Romance reader and blogger. Social drinker. Unsocial drinker. Unapologetically rabid Chicagoenne. I teach middle school so you don't have to.
So I'm pretty much the last person in Romancelandia to read Darkfever (listening to the audiobook, actually). I'm all good with an alpha hero, but Barrons is something else. Does he ever do anything that is even remotely not douchey? I have an hour and a half left and I pretty much want to punch him in the balls for being such a high-handed ass all the time....
First up, I love that Ashley wrote an interracial romance where race and prejudice is discussed openly and honestly. I also like modern marriage of convenience stories. I thought the 'falling in love' bit happened a bit too quickly but Ashley did a great job building the sexual tension. When Lexie and Ty finally do make it to bed...whew. *fans self*
There are a few quirks to Ashley's writing that grate: run-on sentences, super manly dialogue where the guys don't use subjects (e.g., "Got no play here."), etc., but I still find that I can never put her books down.