Sarah (The Brazen Bookworm)

Romance reader and blogger.  Social drinker.  Unsocial drinker.  Unapologetically rabid Chicagoenne.  I teach middle school so you don't have to.

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Um, is this a romance?

Darkfever (Fever #1) - Karen Marie Moning

So I'm pretty much the last person in Romancelandia to read Darkfever (listening to the audiobook, actually).  I'm all good with an alpha hero, but Barrons is something else.  Does he ever do anything that is even remotely not douchey?  I have an hour and a half left and I pretty much want to punch him in the balls for being such a high-handed ass all the time....

Lady Luck  - Kristen Ashley

First up, I love that Ashley wrote an interracial romance where race and prejudice is discussed openly and honestly.  I also like modern marriage of convenience stories.  I thought the 'falling in love' bit happened a bit too quickly but Ashley did a great job building the sexual tension.  When Lexie and Ty finally do make it to bed...whew. *fans self*


There are a few quirks to Ashley's writing that grate: run-on sentences, super manly dialogue where the guys don't use subjects (e.g., "Got no play here."), etc., but I still find that I can never put her books down.

Survivor In Death - J.D. Robb This was my first Eve Dallas book - it was a random pick-up from the remainder bin a few years ago. Now that I've read the entire series, most of the books mutliple times, I decided to try this one again. I enjoyed it much more than I did first time around, and though I'm not surprised I liked it enough to read the entire series, I'm surprised I didn't feel more lost. Reading it now, it seems that so many of the relationships and character arcs are so clearly established that I'm surprised I was able to follow it the first time around. I suppose it's a testament to Robb/Roberts' writing that a book appealed to me just as much when read at vastly different times. I can never get enough Eve!
Love That Dog - Sharon Creech Had to read this one for class - very interesting thoughts on the meaning of poetry and how kids can relate to it. Plus - lots of Walter Dean Myers! Who doesn't love WDM? A cute book - easily understood by grades 6 and under.
The Reversal - Michael Connelly Whew - my heart is still racing from this book. The character interactions between Haller, Bosch and McPherson are fantastic, the court case is intriguing, and the legal wrangling is clever and fast-paced. I literally couldn't put this one down! I've read the Bosch and Haller series totally out of order, but I haven't found that that's hurt my understanding.

I hope Connelly has more Haller/Bosch teamwork in future books, because this one was excellent.
Detained - Ainslie Paton ALL THE ANGST. Whoa. I was so totally not ready for all the drama (physical, emotional, romantic) in Detained. It was worth it, though.
Rock Chick - Kristen Ashley I think I like KA's Chaos books better, but I liked Rock Chick. Indy is like a smarter, more fun Stephanie Plum. I loved her friendships and her independence. I don't, however, enjoy how looooonnnng KA's books generally are. That said, I'll go on with the series.
The Fifth Witness - Michael Connelly Another good Mickey Haller book, this one focused on a woman who may have murdered the banker who was foreclosing on her house. There was a lot going on in this book in addition to the court case - organized crime connections, Hollywood wannabes/scumbags, Mickey's complicated relationship with his ex-wife - but Connelly ties it together well. It wasn't my favorite Lincoln Lawyer book, but it's completely current and the twist at the end sets up future books well. Haller fans will like this - new fans should start at the beginning of the series ([b:The Lincoln Lawyer|79885|The Lincoln Lawyer (Mickey Haller, #1)|Michael Connelly||1427801]).
Innocent in Death - J.D. Robb Still my favorite Dallas book.
The Brass Verdict - Michael Connelly (Audio review) Holy cow, this book is good. It was my first-ever Michael Connelly, and I could not turn it off. As far as who-dunnits go, there was plenty of suspense and a surprise twist at the end. Mickey Haller was a fantastic character - so clever, but so vulnerable because of his own history of addiction. I know Connelly has several Harry Bosch books, and since he features prominently in this book, I'm intrigued by those too. Definitely going to be reading tons more Connelly now!
The Last Boyfriend - MacLeod Andrews, Nora Roberts (Audio) There wasn't really much external conflict until the last third of the book and, frankly, I was a little bit bored. Too much internal fretting over Avery and Owen's friends-to-lovers development. I might have liked this better in print...while the narrator is decent at exposition and men's voices, his female voices are grating.
Winning a Bride (Bridal Favors, #2.5) - Jade Lee Easy historical novella with a good, if quick, resolution.
Tangled Threads - Jennifer Estep This was my fav Gin book so far. There's a fair amount of resolution to some outstanding plot threads, but Estep sets up the future books well. Really liked this one.
The Rancher's Homecoming - Cathy McDavid I'm going to give this 3 stars b/c I think it will work well for fans of this imprint. It's not really my speed, but I liked the author's voice.
The Art Forger - B.A. Shapiro DNF. Got to 80% (!!) and decided I just didn't feel like expending the energy to get that last 20%. It started well, but lost steam around 50%.

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The Chocolate Touch
Laura Florand